Then again, my writing buddies are dangerously close to getting ahead of me, if they aren't already. So there is that pressure to counterbalance the whole freedom-from-quality-control thing. Never mind. Hopefully they will have a big stumble over the weekend and drop horribly behind. :)
But one of the other nice things about NaNoWriMo is that procrastination is acknowledged as part of the writing experience. Which meant that I spent twenty minutes this morning burning CDs for the Great NaNoWriMo CD swap without feeling guilty. Well, not too guilty. It's almost the same as writing, right? And I'm so excited about getting some back...
Anyway. I didn't mean to blog about NaNoWriMo, mainly because I don't have very much to say - but I wanted to
So. Back to the grind.
Writeordie, by the way, is feeling a bit hardcore for me right now. Maybe I should create a similar program called
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